The meaning of the unisex name Alain is HANDSOME.
Details on ALAIN:
Gender: Unisex
Meaning(s): Handsome
Popularity for Boy: 5,281st in the USA (top 20%)
Popularity for Girl: 13113th in the USA (bottom 25%)
Origin(s) for ALAIN: Celtic , English , French , Arthurian Legend
Themes(s) and list(s) ALAIN is on: Social Security , Ssa , Celtic , English , French , Arthurian Legend
Meaning(s): Handsome
Popularity for Boy: 5,281st in the USA (top 20%)
Popularity for Girl: 13113th in the USA (bottom 25%)
Origin(s) for ALAIN: Celtic , English , French , Arthurian Legend
Themes(s) and list(s) ALAIN is on: Social Security , Ssa , Celtic , English , French , Arthurian Legend
Latest USA SSA birth information:
The latest number of USA births for Alain as a BOY was in 2017 with 55 births
The latest number of USA births for Alain as a GIRL was in 1976 with 6 births
The latest number of USA births for Alain as a BOY was in 2017 with 55 births
The latest number of USA births for Alain as a GIRL was in 1976 with 6 births
The meaning(s) of ALAIN:
The name Alain is a Celtic baby name. In Celtic the meaning of the name Alain is: Harmony, stone, or noble.Also fair, handsome. Originally a saint's name, it was reintroduced to Britain during the Norman Conquest, remained popular throughout the Middle Ages, and was revived in the 19th century.
The name Alain is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Alain is: Fair; handsome. Also both a(noble, bright) and an abbreviation of names beginning with Al-.
The name Alain is an Arthurian Legend baby name. In Arthurian Legend the meaning of the name Alain is: From Alain le Gros one of the Fisher kings.
The name Alain is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Alain is: Celtic name Alan meaning harmony, stone, or noble. Handsome.
USA SSA birth(s) for ALAIN:
Here is the latest 16 years from USA social security list of total babies born with the name ALAIN
ALAIN as a boy
Year | Boy Births |
2017 | 55 births |
2016 | 54 births |
2015 | 57 births |
2014 | 51 births |
2013 | 74 births |
2012 | 64 births |
2011 | 63 births |
2010 | 54 births |
2009 | 57 births |
2008 | 61 births |
2007 | 68 births |
2006 | 73 births |
2005 | 72 births |
2004 | 60 births |
2003 | 81 births |
2002 | 62 births |
ALAIN as a girl
Year | Girl Births |
1976 | 6 births |
About the name ALAIN
The name [name] is a wonderful name for your baby {gender} It has
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