Baby Names Yay


The meaning of the unisex name Cai is

Details on CAI:

Gender: Unisex

Popularity for Boy: 4,651st in the USA (top 15%)
Popularity for Girl: 9,264th in the USA (top 30%)
Origin(s) for CAI:  English , Latin , Vietnamese , Welsh , Arthurian Legend
Themes(s) and list(s) CAI is on:  Social SecuritySsaUnusualUnisexEnglishLatinVietnameseWelshArthurian Legend
Latest USA SSA birth information:
The latest number of USA births for Cai as a BOY was in 2017 with 67 births
The latest number of USA births for Cai as a GIRL was in 2017 with 25 births

The meaning(s) of CAI:

The name Cai is an Arthurian Legend baby name. In Arthurian Legend the meaning of the name Cai is: Arthur's brother.
Arthurian Legend meaning
The name Cai is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Cai is: A; which is a more common form of the name in Britain. Famous bearer: Cambridge's Caius College is named after its founder, John Caius.
English meaning
The name Cai is a Welsh baby name. In Welsh the meaning of the name Cai is: A , frequently used as an independent name in Wales. Rejoicer.
Welsh meaning

USA SSA birth(s) for CAI:

Here is the latest 16 years from USA social security list of total babies born with the name CAI

 CAI as a boy

YearBoy Births
201767 births
201681 births
201582 births
201471 births
201355 births
201254 births
201139 births
201038 births
200941 births
200839 births
200729 births
200623 births
200529 births
200427 births
200325 births
200220 births

 CAI as a girl

YearGirl Births
201725 births
201634 births
201525 births
201421 births
201321 births
201223 births
201126 births
20108 births
200916 births
200815 births
200710 births
200610 births
200512 births
200414 births
20038 births
20029 births

About the name CAI

The name [name] is a wonderful name for your baby {gender} It has

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