Baby Names Yay


The meaning of the unisex name Liam is FORM OF WILLIAM..

Details on LIAM:

Gender: Unisex
Meaning(s): Form of william
Popularity for Boy: 2nd in the USA (top 1%)
Popularity for Girl: 7,239th in the USA (top 25%)
Origin(s) for LIAM:  American , Gaelic , German , Irish , Teutonic
Themes(s) and list(s) LIAM is on:  BritishSocial SecuritySsaUnisexAmericanGaelicGermanIrishTeutonic
Latest USA SSA birth information:
The latest number of USA births for Liam as a BOY was in 2017 with 18728 births
The latest number of USA births for Liam as a GIRL was in 2017 with 36 births

The meaning(s) of LIAM:

The name Liam is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Liam is: Will-helmet.Famous Bearers:poet and playwright William Shakespeare (1564-1616) and William Wordsworth.
German meaning
The name Liam is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Liam is: Will-helmet.Famous Bearers:poet and playwright William Shakespeare (1564-1616) and William Wordsworth.
American meaning
The name Liam is a Gaelic baby name. In Gaelic the meaning of the name Liam is: Helmeted.
Gaelic meaning
The name Liam is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Liam is: The Irishname William.
Irish meaning
The name Liam is a Teutonic baby name. In Teutonic the meaning of the name Liam is: Resolute defender.
Teutonic meaning

USA SSA birth(s) for LIAM:

Here is the latest 16 years from USA social security list of total babies born with the name LIAM

 LIAM as a boy

YearBoy Births
201718728 births
201618198 births
201518355 births
201418451 births
201318131 births
201216796 births
201113433 births
201010927 births
20098563 births
20085978 births
20075138 births
20064512 births
20054150 births
20043827 births
20033565 births
20023381 births

 LIAM as a girl

YearGirl Births
201736 births
201619 births
201521 births
201432 births
201322 births
201223 births
201113 births
201022 births
200921 births
200811 births
200711 births
200611 births
20059 births
200415 births
200317 births
200012 births

About the name LIAM

The name [name] is a wonderful name for your baby {gender} It has

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